The ladies behind the tampon drive

Last week, it was hard to walk past the Bell Tower and hear the chants of, “Give us your tampons!” At first I laughed, thinking it was a joke between sorority girls, but the truth is the cries rang out from the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance.
The FMLA is a student run coalition that “strives to raise the awareness of and further the Feminist Movement among students on Temple’s campus,” according to their club page on OwlConnect.
Their annual Tampon Drive last week helped efforts for Philadelphia’s Project SAFE. Project SAFE is a feminist centered health awareness campaign. The FMLA was working in coalition with the SAFE committee to help give the homeless women of the Philadelphia area tampons.
The FMLA will go under new leadership this March and hopes to grow in the future as it continues to work toward its ultimate goal of having true equality between men and women.