REVIEW: GROUPLOVE @ Franklin Music Hall
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On March 23rd, 2024 Los Angeles band GROUPLOVE performed at Franklin Music Hall on their ‘Rock And Roll You Won’t Save Me’ tour. Opening act Bully brought an acoustic set, seamlessly floating between the guitar and piano solo. Her angsty indie pop sound was a flawless and mesmerizing introduction to the show. Many left the show as a new fan of Bully.
GROUPLOVE opened their Philadelphia show with “Close Your Eyes and Count to Ten,” giving a chorus that was sure to get the head-banging started. Singers Christian Zucconi and Hannah Hooper’s distinctly unique rocker vocals filled the room. Second on the setlist was the infectious “Primetime,” which instantly elevated the already high energy in the crowd. Lyrics “it’s primetime baby,” echoed throughout the venue uniting the audience as a chorus.
Notable moments during the show include their performance of their iconic BoJack Horseman theme song, “Back in the 90s,” and their cover of “Song 2,” by Blur. The performance of their track, “Shark Attack” was introduced with Hooper playfully shouting at the crowd to, “get out of the water,” engaging the audience for an exhilarating performance of the song.
The general energy from the band throughout the show was astounding, one notable moment in particular being when Zucconi tossed his guitar in the air allowing it to do a full 360° spin before catching it. Additionally, the entire band was grooving throughout the show, keeping the energy up by head banging and spinning along with the audience. The chemistry between all members of the band was remarkable. Married couple Zucconi and Hooper shared the love and connection they have with each other with the audience through song and performance.
Prior to playing their major hit, “Tongue Tied,” Hooper gave a heartwarming speech about art and the importance of it. She explained that art allows one to connect with others and to love them. Following this speech, the audience erupted into jumping and singing the indie classic that is, “Tongue Tied.” Hooper’s speech emphasized the emotion that many already feel when listening to the song, making for a heart-filling energy throughout the venue.
The show finished out with an encore of, “Borderlines and Aliens,” “Raspberry,” and finally “Colours,” which was a breathtaking conclusion to GROUPLOVE’s show in Philadelphia. The display of the rainbow lighting throughout, “Colours,” perfectly captured the essence of the song, and was a stunning way to wrap up the gig. GROUPLOVE, with their undeniable electric setlist, audience connection, and animated lively spirit made for an unforgettable show.

Close Your Eyes and Count to Ten
Ways to Go
Back in the 90s
Itchin’ on a Photograph
I’m With You
Shark Attack
Enlighten Me
Welcome to your Life
Tongue Tied
Song 2 (Blur cover)
Borderlines and Aliens