Results of TSG Elections Announced

In room 217C of the Student Center, the results of the 2016 Temple Student Government elections were announced. The room was filled with reporters, candidates, family and friends all talking calmly despite the announcement that was due at any moment.
At 12:00 p.m. the results were read and Empower TU had won.
Over the course of the past two and a half weeks each group campaigned and in the course of two days the results were pulled. A total of 4,112 students voted in those two days, 32 percent of which voted for Empower TU.
After the results were read there was a lot of hands being shaken, a lot of questions being asked, and a very rightfully excited Empower TU board. Aron Cowen could be seen shaking hands with faculty and the other candidates.
Later, between interviews, he was seen hugging his friends with a very large smile across his face. When asked how it felt to be the next Temple Student Government President, President Cowen said, “It feels good, now I just need to lead for a year.”
After a long campaign, Empower TU and all the other candidates did a great job and we wish Empower TU luck with their year in office.