RECAP: Anna Sofia EP Press Conference
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WRITTEN BY: Caitlin McGeehan
With a title like Broken Perfection, Anna Sofia’s EP is meant to make a statement.
The indie pop teen singer held a press conference last week to detail her EP’s overarching message that “nobody’s perfect” and you don’t have to please anyone by trying. She allows her musical influences to shine through in her work, and shows that the younger generation is redefining the genre categorization of music.
While indie pop may be a newer genre, Anna Sofia cites artists such as Queen, Elton John, and The Clash as her sonic influences, describing her attraction to the music before her lifetime, or “before Anna Sofia time,” as she described it. Going even further back in history, she hinted at ‘20s cartoons being a part of her future visuals. When incorporating her inspirations into her work, Anna Sofia puts her own twist on the vibe she gets from each to invent “retro funk in a modern space.”

Creating her trademark sound on a song typically comes from the energy she brings to the studio. Music provides a space of expression, whether it is anger or venting, as she said the studio is her place to get things off of her chest. Whatever comes naturally goes in the song, which can sometimes be “super personal,” as the track “Either Way” is in regards to the insecurity and body image issues it centers around.
As a multi-instrumentalist, Anna Sofia is versatile in her sound, with a wistful and nostalgic vibe out of a ‘90s teen movie, evident on the title track, “Broken Perfection,” and upbeat instrumentals laced with the more downtrodden lyrics of “Happy For You” (where she is in fact, not happy for the subject of the song).
“Happy For You” is the perfect example of Anna Sofia’s creative process, as it is based on what was going on in her life: a struggle with an unrequited love interest. The happy-type sound of the track combatted the not-so-positive experience that inspired it. The song’s lyric video features Anna Sofia donning different colored wigs to represent the changes she made to herself to please her crush (along with the multiple times she has dyed her hair over the past few months at home).
The “Anna Sofia twist” does not exactly fit into one genre, similar to the music of many other young artists. She believes that this generation of musicians isn’t afraid to explore or blend genres, but instead encourages the idea that “you are your own genre and style.”
“I feel most empowered when I can creatively express myself” was her statement of confidence. Anna Sofia is a young artist with an older soul, and she’ll definitely bring a refreshing breath of air to our playlists.