Petitioning for a piano
Morgan Hall South has recently started a petition for a piano to be installed in a conference room on the first floor.

“The idea behind the piano is for all of the music students that are residents in Morgan Hall to not have to walk all the way to Presser Hall,” Resident Hall Association (RHA) Representative Marissa Martini explains, “…It started out as a personal preference, but when I started asking around, even the people who aren’t music students wanted a piano. So we moved forward with it and started to get a petition signed and are trying to help the music students here in Morgan Hall [South].”
Martini explains that she herself has had the late college nights, that every student has had, but it is different for her since she is a music major. In order for her to complete her curriculum, she has to log a certain amount of hours worth of practice that requires the use of a piano. This requires her to walk from Morgan Hall South all the way to Presser Hall, located on the north side of campus. With a piano in the building, it would help her to find smaller amounts of time where she would be able to fit in a practice while also not having to travel long distances late at night.
“When it was first brought up to me,” RHA Morgan Hall President Nathan O’Rourke said, “I thought it was a great idea. The RHA has a large budget and I feel it would be beneficial for the music students in the building.”
O’Rourke goes on to describe the piano, saying that there were multiple types that were proposed to the RHA, giving them a price range for the pianos to choose from. He explained that the piano would also have wheels to make it mobile, so it would be able to be used for RHA events (i.e. open mic night) or for the students to take it back to their rooms once they sign it out.
The base security measures have been discussed to ensure that the piano will be taken care of. For example, there will be time slots allotted for students to reserve the piano and to help track who has the piano when and where.
Residents of Morgan Hall South can sign the petition in the Morgan South lobby or outside of room 505 for the piano; it will be open until the end of the semester.